Who we are
Our vision, mission and more…
UWCM will be among the most active advocates for a gender-equal society and for the rights of girls and women to an education of quality and life-long learning.
Our mission is to harness the expertise, the competence and knowledge of all UWCM members in order to promote:
Social interaction, social responsibility and growth of women in all areas of life”
Social interactions – Through local, national and international networks, we foster the development of friendships and collaboration between women eager to share experiences and interests.
Social responsibility – Through links with CFUW and GWI, we advocate locally, nationally and internationally for a gender-equal society where women and girls enjoy economic empowerment through the pursuit of, and access to, quality education.
Growth – Through our belief in the importance of lifelong education, we enable our members to develop and use their expertise to become agents of change by influencing policies that improve the status of women and girls in all areas of life.
- We value our members and we foster mutual understanding, caring and friendship.
- We believe in policies that are gender responsive and based on the full respect of human rights.
- We believe that access to an education of quality and life-long learning are the basis for empowering girls and women around the world.
- We believe in an inclusive and gender-equal society, where people who are vulnerable are empowered and enjoy a violence-free environment that allows them to achieve their full potential and build a better future.
Based on these values and beliefs:
- We support girls’ and women’s education by providing scholarships
- We advocate for policies that foster gender equality and girls’ and women’s empowerment.
The UWCM has adopted a community – based governance model, whose structures stem from a collective approach and a participative leadership.
We use the UN Sustainable Agenda as frame of reference for our actions. We integrate ESG criteria in our portfolio management. Our interventions are outcome-based. We use the UN Sustainable Agenda as frame of reference for our actions.
We focus on:
- Membership and members’ satisfaction
- Advocacy and community outreach
- Budget vigilance (fiscal monitoring) and scholarship attribution
- Collaboration-building locally, nationally and internationally.
Our strategic priorities are:
- To build a strong and diverse membership that is representative of Montreal
- To assure the Club sustainability through capacity building and collaboration
- To reinforce advocacy through high-impact projects.
Board of Directors
The administration and management of Club operations are assured by a Board of Directors ( the Board) whose members are elected with a two-year mandate. The roles and responsibilities of Board members, as well as their standards of care, are as prescribed by UWCM Bylaws.
Board Meetings
- The Board of Directors usually meets the second Wednesday of each month. Minutes are archived and discussion of main points are reported in UWCM monthly Newsletter.
- The Annual General Meeting of members is held within six (6) months of the Club’s year end. For 2018, the AGM is scheduled for May 23rd, 2018)
- UWCM is committed to objective and continuous internal assessment as means to improve the effectiveness of its operations and activities’ outcomes.
- We strengthen our accountability by conducting internal quality audits, continuous evaluation of activities, member satisfaction survey, feedback from members and partners, external financial audits and by seeking advice from former UWCM presidents.
Wanda Leah Trineer, President
Emma Major, Vice-President & Newsletter
Rhonda Schanfield, Treasurer
Valerie Shannon, Secretary
Hannah Trineer-Roberts, Membership
Olga Shevchenko, Interest Groups
Sheila Mohammed, Programme
Barbara Lewis, Communications
Noran Ahmed – PR, Social Media, Community Outreach
Linda Edgar
Marsha Sklar
Rahila Bootwala